Man -Poetry
Man on Earth,
Man by heart.
Man in the world,
Man by the word.
Man in existence,
But Man by Grace.
Let Us, create man in our own image,
And after our likeness.
Love perfectly by heart so as not be in the the devil’s sage
Darkness is nothing but hopelessness and sadness
The devil had his way
The mind was his weapon to steal away
Changer of the truth, for man to sway
Sweet tongue, heart twister
Take charge of your mind, dear healer
Let history not repeat itself
Be yourself
Believe only the promise,
Remain in his presence
Don’t be carried away by little present
“Behold, I come quickly:
hold that fast which thou hast,
that no man take thy crown”
He has a will
Yet gave us a choice
Be smart, do the Father’s will
That is your main purpose on earth to be the voice
You do just wile away time and be nothing in his sight
Be the light
You are called to be the light
He is cunning, Be Wise