
Reverend Tolu Agboola- Gospel Musician And Preacher

Reverend Tolu Agboola- Gospel Musician And Preacher

On November 23, 1982, Reverend Tolu Agboola was born. He leads prayer, writes songs, and preaches with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Ministerial Journey

Reverend Tolu Agboola has continued to grow in his faith and in the world of Gospel music since he met the Lord Jesus in 1990 and was put in the Children’s Choir of Antioch Baptist Church in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. In 1999, he was given the chance to lead the choir at Nesto College in Oyo, Nigeria. This gave him the chance to show that God had given him an unusual talent for writing songs.

Reverend Tolu Agboola has been a servant of God for a long time. He has been told by God to teach the church how to worship properly, based on what he has seen in his visions of Heaven, and to raise a Fiery Army for the King. He is a dedicated and passionate servant of God’s word, and his goal is to see the Lord Jesus Christ’s Kingdom come to pass. To do this, he works hard to help both people and places grow into the life of the Kingdom.

Educational Life

Reverend Tolu Agboola got into The Federal University of Technology, Minna in 2002 and got his degree in Chemical Engineering from there in 2007. After working in many different fields and organizations, he got back on good terms with God and started leading worship, writing songs, and teaching with the help of his spiritual father and guide, the respected Apostle Arome Osayi.

God told Reverend Tolu to “Take My Worship to the Ends of the Earth.” He is now the leader of His Worship Christian Network (HWCN Global), which has its headquarters in the city of Ogbomoso. His philosophy is “To prove that faith in God is strong enough to build a destiny on.” He keeps growing from being a blessing to his immediate environment to being a blessing to the world with his gift.

Reverend Tolu Agboola’s popular quotes includes ones,  “Expressing the Supernatural is easy when the Conduit-men are dead men, that is, men seeking no reputation”


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