
Apostle Mary D. Lewis Biography- In Loving Memory of Beloved Missionary

Apostle Mary D. Lewis is a lover of God, a beloved woman of God, not only is she an Apostle but an evangelist that has evangelized and pastored since 1976. She was indeed a woman of great impact who has drawn many to Christ. Today we celebrate her life well spent. May her soul rest in peace

Apostle Mary D. Lewis was married to Apostle Clarence B. Lewis Jr., while on earth and had 7 children together, they known each other for a 42 years friendship and 35 years of marriage and 22 years of ministry together.

Her Ministry has not only brought people to Christ but also her children to knowing God more, before death she had and met 27 grandchildren and almost 7 great- grandchildren.

Life Journey

Apostle Mary early life was all evolving around Washington, DC, where she was born and raised and schooled. She started receiving revelations about her future from God right from a tender age of 11, and got born again in 1973  She was then filled with Holy Spirit in 1976 (exactly 3 years to the day her being saved).

Apostle Mary commenced her pastoral and evangelistic work from her residence in Silver Spring, Maryland, in the same year. Apostle Lewis commenced her studies at the Guiding Light Full Gospel Church in Washington, DC, in 1977, under the tutelage of Bishop Willie J. Lewis.

The apostle commenced to receive divine guidance pertaining to the apostolic domain. She recounted a personal experience in which God completely altered her existence. “Pure Gold” and “It’s not you, but Someone Else” are just two of the excerpts she authored.

A personal testimony entitled “From a Park Bench to a Mercedes Benz” was also delivered by Apostle Lewis, which inspired a great number of individuals. Apostle initiated the dissemination of the message of divine deliverance to a wider audience in 1987 via a thirty-minute broadcast ministry on 1340 WYCB, a prominent Christian radio station.

Apostles Mary and Clarence Lewis inaugurated the Rock of Ages Christian Fellowship Center in Maryland in 1987. They continued to minister to God’s people there by directing them to the Lord Jesus Christ in order to obtain deliverance, salvation, healing, and freedom. Apostle Lewis conceived a multitude of ministries with the intention of assisting the Body of Christ. She coordinated Five Fold Ministry gatherings, “First Ladies” fellowships (held monthly or annually), and “Mother Daughter Tea” events, which provided encouragement and support to numerous ministers.

Their ministry’s objective was and remains to inspire all believers to fulfill their vocation as ministers and to propagate the gospel in every nation. Apostles Clarence and Mary Lewis established New Birth Redeeming Faith Christian Center in Clinton, Maryland, in September 2000. The center continues to instruct God’s people to fulfill their calling to ministry and to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in all nations.

Apostle Lewis established the Apostolic Strategies and Prophetic Training Teams Network School in the year 2000. Apostle John Eckhardt commissioned and confirmed her in 2002 to proceed with the Apostolic/Prophetic and Deliverance gatherings.

As a result of the Lord’s assignment to raise sons and daughters through teaching, imparting, and activating the apostolic anointing, the vision for ASAPTT has expanded and continues to expand. “And in the last days it shall be, God declares that I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2: 27).

Her ordination by Apostle Gene Moody and the issuance of her license for Deliverance Ministry both occurred in 2010. Presently, Apostle Mary Lewis sustains her ministry by means of the ASAPTT Network/School and New Birth Kingdom Builders Church/Ministries, which are dedicated to the restoration of the family unit, teaching, and deliverance.

The Apostolic-Prophetic Frontline Warriors, Daughters of Deborah, Sons of Issachar, Red Dress Brunch Benefit (to sponsor young mothers experiencing homelessness), Apostolic Convergence, and the forthcoming seminar on September 17, 2016 centered around her book “He That Winneth Souls Is Wise” and The Apostolic-Prophetic Ministers Manual, The Cost of My Widow Oil, are a few of the seminars and programs.

Advocate Mary, who is an Apostle to Apostles and lives by the guiding principle “it’s not about you, but someone else,” continues to mobilize the army at the behest of the Lord while urging His people to persistently pray and intercede on behalf of others during their trials.

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